Page name: Naruto Obsessers Memberlist [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-12-30 23:46:28
Last author: Red kira
Owner: XxTsomexX
# of watchers: 23
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~*~Naruto Obsessers Memberlist~*~

Just put your name down and say who your favorite character is. Underling the character's name.


1. [XxTsomexX] Hayate Gekkou is my favorite!! Hes so hot!! HES MINE!!! *_*(Owner XD)

2.[Koho Ai] De De De My favorite would be uhhhhh its a hard one the nine tailed fox.

3.[Surimia] naruto squee ninjas squee sasuke kun squee

4. [Keir Devlin]   the American-Dubbed version. They killed Naruto. Oh yeah, OROCHIMARU-SAMA IS MEH  Y MAN   ! XD

5.[Piercedskull]I<3THEM ALL!

6. [Erubeus] Love!!! MINE! -growls, circles, protects, claims-

7. [Evolution X] Must.... watch.... Anime..... *drools*

8. [Vampire Princess Twilight] anime rox!!!!

9. [*akuma*] <3 my kakashi

10.[Scathic N.] *demon ears perk* Someone say anime, love?!

11.[Sailor Uranus XD]*loud heart beat* naruto!!!!!

12.[Roxcie] I LOVE naruto, one of my fav. anime shows EVER! :D

13.[Aki Neko]from naruto?(ha ha!!!13 is my#!!!)

14.[Iruvielle] Gai Sensei is MINE! and so is Kisame (like anyone else would want them!)

15.[Avatar15] Isn't it just the best Ninja-involved anime OUT there?!?! Narutard I am. x3 (Rock Lee ^^;)

16.[~ShadowWind~] KAKASHIS MINE !!XP

17. [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*] Whoot! Who's ready for the fillers to end?!? =D ...(forgot the chara. oooops) GAAAAARA!!!!!!!!!! XDDDD *fangirl SQUEEE!!*

18.[Yukina_Kiba]Kakashis ish! Mine! Kiba and Kankurou are cool to!^.^

19.[IonicRose]i love the show so much its my fav show ever!my fav character thats a hard one...humm...i guess it would be KAKASHI(hes So HoT!!!) or NARUTO i CANT DECIDE! *tears*

20.[Firesong k'Treva] I claims ITACHI!!! And SHIKAMARU!!!!! *huggles plushie versions of them* ^.^ *fanboy squee*

21.[~*Crimson Rose*~] Alright ladies, Itachi is mine!

22.[fdcm] Neji is my beloved!

23.[foodfun2k6] all of them, except the big person

24.[~Crimson Angel~] My favorite is Rock Lee.

25.[Izeiza] KIBA INUZUKA AND KANKURO SABAKU!!!!!!!!!! ^^

26.[littlekitten] who can't love anime, *goes all wide eye for anime!*

27.[imperfectionist] i don't live for anime, my life is anime :]

28. [DeadSockMonster] Kabuto rocks :p

29. [illegally insane] the uber cool guy that loves anime

30. [The Dizzy Raven] U so rock!! *hugs Neji*

31.[sunabozu]rock lee is my hero!

32.[kasaix.x] naruto rox...*worships kakashi*...

33.[Red kira] Deidara and KAKUZU he so fricken rocks

34. [Blood Sucking Beauty] Hmmm i guess im kinda an outcast but i LOVE and ADORE Sasuke-kun! HE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO HOTT!!!! MINE MINE MINE!!

35.[{*Suna's Kazekage*} Gaara] Gaara ish mine!!

37. [blueshippo] All abot Gaara, BABY!
38. [twitchboy] All bow to the immortal Hidan and Lee the green beast of Konohagakure
39.[~Queen Of The Shadows~] I like Orochimaru and Kabuto,but I love Itachi.

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2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: lol... ooo, awesome! although, i've never played the game... i've only played games like GTA and Vice City Stories...

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: Don't know why everyone's tired... and imagine Ghosr Rider doing little side missiony things. The sort of 'dodge the police' or 'beat up the thug' sort of thingy.

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: rotfl! yea, that would be interesting... we should make a game like that! ^.^

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: I don't know how...

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: lol....

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: But if anyone does, I'll help them think of stuff...

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: well, my cousin wants to do computer games and such... maybe i'll tell him to do that! XD

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: A good movie videogame? IT CANNOT BE DONE!

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: well, it probably won't be any good! LOL...

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: advent children?

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: ooooo, I love that game... cept for the part where i'm stuck! >.<

2007-03-11 [Avatar15]: Those floating heads are going to haunt me in my dreams... 0~0

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: XD

2007-03-11 [Avatar15]: O^O You laughing at my pain?

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: awww, they haunt me too, no worries! XDD

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: no, avchan. at kenji for being stuck.

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: :O!!!! oh thanks surimia! *rolls eyes, looks unloved*

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: dont be unloved.

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: awww *huggles Kenji*

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: ^.^ yay! *huggles back* I feel loved again! XDD

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: ^^

2007-03-11 [Avatar15]: Oh... THEN I WAS IGNORED! Dx

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: nooo nano!

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: awww.. *huggles Avatar* IT'S ALRIGHT, I'M NOT IGNORING YOU!!!!

2007-03-11 [Avatar15]: What?

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *huggles you all* I LOVE EVERYONE!

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: YAY!!!! *huggles everyone also* GROUP HUG!!!!!!

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *crack* whoops... to hard...

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: ok.. who's back did you snap?? *is standing all crooked*

2007-03-11 [Avatar15]: .... c-ca-n't breatheee... X__x

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: ooo, sorry, didn't mean to squeeze you too hard!

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *when he's let go he folds in half* okay, we were all abit to rough...

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: yea, i guess so! >.< *grabs a walker, tries to walk away*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *puts head on the floor and lays down, straitening himself up*

2007-03-11 [DeadSockMonster]: *watches in amused semi-disbelief* AH HA HAAA!

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *sighs* better.

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *is still walking round with a walker*

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: here *walks over to Kenji and cracks your back*

2007-03-12 [Iruvielle]: *snap* oooo, much better... thanks! :)

2007-03-12 [Evolution X]: ^_^ No prob.

2007-03-13 [Aki Neko]: meow!!!

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: HEY AKI!!!!!!!

2007-03-13 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: *giggle*

2007-03-13 [Aki Neko]: meow!! ppl are mean at my school i hate my guys go to good schools, right?

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: i don't go to school! XDD

2007-03-13 [Aki Neko]: oh yeaaah. i forgot! <img:44166_1164144921.gif>

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: lol.. it ok! *pats*

2007-03-13 [Aki Neko]: one else is on, SO okay...

2007-03-13 [XxTsomexX]: i do, ima freshman >.>

2007-03-13 [Aki Neko]: good school?

2007-03-13 [Erubeus]: I'm gonna be a freshman next year...

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: aww, it's not THAT bad Fluffy!

2007-03-13 [Aki Neko]: im soposed to be a freshmen next year, but last year...yeah...

2007-03-13 [Erubeus]: Yes it is, cause I look like I could be a jounior right now..
-even more emo-

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: DON'T BE ALL EMO! *pats also*

2007-03-13 [Aki Neko]: i look like im 17 instaed of 13...

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: aww, i act younger then i actually am...

2007-03-13 [Aki Neko]: im random, so neither and both..i guess...^______^

2007-03-13 [XxTsomexX]: hun, people have mistaken me for 21...

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: yea, i can see why... your voice is different on the phone! LOL

2007-03-13 [Erubeus]: -twitches and falls limp-
My aunt just asked if I was a senior yet... ._.
I'm not 17 yet...

2007-03-13 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2007-03-13 [Erubeus]: you still didn't post in ze rp Tso...

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: lol

2007-03-13 [XxTsomexX]: i did ;___;

2007-03-13 [Erubeus]: in this rp?

2007-03-13 [XxTsomexX]: *nods*

2007-03-13 [Erubeus]: front page?

2007-03-13 [XxTsomexX]: *nods*

2007-03-13 [Erubeus]: Nevermind

2007-03-13 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2007-03-13 [Erubeus]: ^^'

2007-03-13 [Aki Neko]: mew....I GOT LYRICS!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: lyrics to what?

2007-03-13 [Aki Neko]: lots of animes. go to

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: ooo, thankies, i shall! :) *runs off to see*

2007-03-13 [Aki Neko]: mew^__^

2007-03-13 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: *smile*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *explodes out of a portal* BANZAI!

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: O_O

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *hits several practice dummies in mid-air* HIYA!

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: wow, that takes talent! XDDD

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *keeps hitting but falls on his face when landing* ...ow.

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: FACE PLANT!!!! dirt taste good?

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: I dont know... I think my tongue is over there... *points*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: EWWWW!!!!! you lost your tongue??? *walks away grossed out*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: WAIT! Got it. *gets up, his tongue isn't lost but now its looks like Orochimaru's*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! THAT'S EVEN WORSE! *shivers at the thought of Orochimaru*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *rolls tongue up into his mouth* This feels weird...

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: ok... *walks away* that's disgusting...

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *opens mouth again, his tongue back to normal* thats better.

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: YAY!!! *claps hands excitedly*

2007-03-13 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: O_O

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *hugs Kenji* You OK?

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: yes.. quite alright... :D *dances in circles randomly*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: ... *pokes you*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: O_O *pokes back*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *pokepoke*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *glares, pokes more roughly*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *pokes faster*

2007-03-13 [*akuma*]: BOO!

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: GAH! *pokes Akuma by accident*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *screams from the BOO* AHHHHHHHHHHHH *runs in circles screaming*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: ... *watches Kenji*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *continues running in circles*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *trips up kenji* ...

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *falls face first in the grass* ooo, an ant! *watches the ant*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *watches ant aswell*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: *crawls on the ground, following the ant*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *stares*

2007-03-13 [*akuma*]: *accidentally stands on ant* oops...

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: 0_0 *tackles Akuma*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: :O! *cries* THE ANT GOT MURDERED! *shrugs* oh well... *plays funeral march song*

2007-03-13 [*akuma*]: *stops evo's tackle by making him fall over* now thta wasnt very nice, it was only an accident >_>

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *falls on face* mmmmmm...

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: it's ok akuma, i forgive you! *huggles kindly*

2007-03-13 [*akuma*]: *giggles*

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: ^.^ so... how are you today akuma? *sees a beetle, chases after it*

2007-03-13 [Evolution X]: *is watching a scent-beetle imatation, which is about ten foot long*

2007-03-13 [*akuma*]: im good thank you kenji, and how are you?

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: i'm great right now! Thanks! :) *looks at evolution with one eyebrow raised*

2007-03-13 [*akuma*]: thats good ^^ eheh

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: ^.^

2007-03-13 [*akuma*]: so what are you up to, kenji-chan?

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: oh nothing much... trying to see if my friend will rp on msn... but he won't! -.- lol... how about you, what are you doing?

2007-03-13 [*akuma*]: aww. im waiting for a film to come on tv, so im just randolmy online waiting XD

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: ooo, fun! :P

2007-03-13 [*akuma*]: hehe yeah ^^

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: what film are you waiting for?

2007-03-13 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: huh?

2007-03-13 [Iruvielle]: a conversation we were having before! LOL

2007-03-14 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: oh.

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: ^.^ *random huggles*

2007-03-14 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: XD

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: *has been fighting the beetle for the last several moments* cough... ummm, its dead now..

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: took ya long enough to kill it! *laughs*

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: oh, the film was "10 things i hate about you" its good ^^

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: ooo, i haven't even seen it yet! LOL... I just finished watching madagascar... and now i'm gonna watch Stay Alive! YAY MOVIE NETWORK! *cheers*

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: i love madagascar! its soo funny! never heard of stay alive though XD

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: my lil brother almost missed his school bus this morning because of madagascar! LOL... and Stay Alive is about a group of teens who like, die the same way their "videogame counterparts" die. >.<

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: oooh right. is it any good?

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: yea, so far... it scared the crap out of me a minute ago! LOL...

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: wooooo... *wiggles arms around, swaying the trunk of the beetles trunk in the air*

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: ..... *looks at you with one eyebrow raised* alriiiiighty then...

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: XD
im watching bleach and death note..not at the same time waiting for them to laod ^^

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: *stands still* ... sorry, I have a headache and that makes me kinda... random...

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: death note! <3!!!! I love L! he's sooooo awesome! and awww... *pats Evolution on the head gently* it's alright, i'm random too...

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: Bleh... not feeling well...

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: you watch deat note, have you seen the new intro..its...scary >_<

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: no i haven't seen it yet, i haven't seen death note in a while actually! >.<!
and, *huggles to evolution*

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: awwwww, I wish I knew the anime...

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: it's reallllly REALLLLLLLY good!!!

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: V_V

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: yeah it is. so far i like both L and raito. and also i kinda like matsuda (i think thats his name..)

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: *cries* ... ;_;

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: ya... i think that's his name... i don't know what it is though, all the anime guys i like have spiky-ish black hair! >.< like L.. :P

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: hehe. a lot of the ones i like tend to be pervs >_> XD

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: haha... i LOOOOOOOVE the pervs!!! they make the animes worth watching! (jk of course)

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: heheh XDi like the ginger characters aswel, like ichigo and kyo ^^'

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: ichigo is so hilarious! when he and Uryuu get together... oh geez! -.- :P, me it's the guys with black hair and glasses.

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: like kyouya from ouran? my favs are the twins in that ^^ hikaru more so though. i kinda have a thing for twins too XD

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: ;_; I wish I knew the anime... it sounds fun...

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: ouran high school host club is soooo funny! i love it. im currently getting the manga too. its quite different than the anime

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: I need a place to buy manga...

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: amazon, tis where i get most from. if not i go to borders or waterstones. also when i go to manchester i get some from travelling man and also forbiddon planet. i but a lot of manga..oops XD

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: unfortunately, i can only get manga in french... :(

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: oh, how come?

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: i live in a french town in quebec.... and the only library that carries mangas, is all french! -.-

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: oooh right! i learn something new everyday XD!

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: lol.. it ok... ooo, i was just reading your page.. and it said that kakashi was one of your obsessions... go see my page... i drew a pic of an evil looking kakashi... *droolage everywhere* heehee

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: ha yeah he is ^^ my number one XD!
*goes to see your kakashi image* SQWEEE! i like it ^^!

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: YAY! lol... it's my favorite... I LOOOOVE YOUR DRAWINGS TOO! Especially the second one... i like the concept of a guy, trying to catch his past, but not being able to... it's really good!

2007-03-14 [*akuma*]: hehe thank you very much ^^

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: ^.^

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: *is sailing down the drool river* oh life on the ocean wave...

2007-03-14 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: ok.

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: ^_^

2007-03-14 [foodfun2k6]: drool ok, but snots better

2007-03-14 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: EW!!!! *kicks a random ball of yarn*

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: GAH! >_> Yoooouuuu....

2007-03-14 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: *chases said ball happily with cat tail and ears flicking madly*

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: *picks up the ball* ummm... kitty want the ball?

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: ....

2007-03-14 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: *mews* Yes! *purr*

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: *throws the ball* GO GET IT!

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: *watches the kitty run after the ball*

2007-03-14 [foodfun2k6]: *stares, thinking lame ball chasing cat*

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: *kicks foodfun* Hello

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: *randomly flying tackle glomps foodfun for no apparent reason* HEYYYYYYY

2007-03-14 [foodfun2k6]: *flies across room* hi evooooooooooooo

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: Hi Foodfun. I know him from the real world... not much else happens in real life...

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: lol... *goes off randomly dancing into some random trees that appeared*

2007-03-14 [foodfun2k6]: yer we make ourselves look like fools at karate

2007-03-14 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: *chases and pounces on it purring happily*

2007-03-14 [Evolution X]: And we make people scream.... *pounces after Kenji*

2007-03-14 [foodfun2k6]: * watches the cat fall, aas the ball spins from under it*

2007-03-14 [Iruvielle]: that must be fun! My lil brother takes tai kwon do.

2007-03-14 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: *pout* No fair! *cries*

2007-03-14 [foodfun2k6]: its mainly your mum that screams after you tell her wat you did at karrate evo

2007-03-14 [Vampire Princess Twilight]: *cries* Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

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